Can't find the information you're looking for? Here are a few suggestions for your search:
It is not necessary to fill out every box in the Search Criteria form. The more information you enter, the more specific your results will be.
For example, if you enter Greenville or Columbia in the Business City box, your results will contain every business whose mailing address is in those cities. The database searches only in the city you provide, however. If you live in a neighboring city (such as Mauldin or Lexington) companies or applicators based there will not be returned in your search results.
The best strategy is to start with a single broad term, such as part of the company name or the city you live in. Find the company you are specifically interested in, and then repeat your search using only the unique Business License number provided for that company.
If the response to your query is "No applicants meeting the selection criterion were found," then there is nothing in our database that matches the search term(s) you provided. In this case, you may have used too many search terms. Try your search again with fewer search terms.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at our main office in Pendleton at 864.646.2150. You may also contact the Regulatory Specialist in your area (DPR Territory Map).